Monday, January 10, 2011

My definition of Creative

The other day a friend of mine suggested that my orientation "Creative" may not be as universal as I think. I realize people outside of the marketing community think of "creative" as an adjective whereas I'm referring to it as a noun. The noun creative is hard to explain quickly and succinctly to someone who may not be familiar with the various components of the advertising and marketing business. So here's my elevator or cocktail party explanation, (20 seconds or less). Creative the noun: A persuasive communication strategy and/or execution that influences a target audience. Components include: copy writing, design, visual aesthetics and imagery. Eleven seconds according to my clock! Still a bit cryptic I admit, but to the I could spend hours trying to massage a couple of sentences to be more succinct, instead I'll take suggestions- feel free to post your own definition. I wish I would have done this before all those holiday gatherings... "so Neal, what do you do exactly...."? Eleven seconds later.. hmm, great! been skiing yet


  1. Ha! I've been using the word "creative" for years in the similar fashion. And yes, we probably assume to much. Just like we "creative-types", right? :) Every once in a while I realize how many acronyms, catch phrases and industry-specific terms we use and assume everyone else MUST know what we mean. Oh well, maybe THEY will assume we are just smart. Great topic!


  2. How about... Strategize to market merchandise compellingly...4 seconds:o)

    Have you been skiing? We did Whistler over the New Year, after which, I wanted to massage a few sentences myself.

    Enjoy having this opportunity to visit your thoughts.
